Monday – November 7th     Neurosciences Seminar
11:00 Title Adenosine A3 receptors as targets to an antiseizure drug to inhibit hippocampal GABA transport.
Location Bld. Egas Moniz – Floor 1B – Room 66 (Library)
Speaker Elvira Leites (PhD student, Vanessa Morais Lab)
Affiliation Faculty of Medicine (FMUL)
November 15th Multidisciplinary Perspectives and Global Health at Ulisboa
9:00-17:30 Location Online / Rectory of the University of Lisbon
Affiliation Health Network
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November 7th-11st       Everyday  Neuro Seminars
9:00-18:00 Location online events – Twitter, Zoom
Speaker Different Researchers from International Universities
Affiliation Oxford Neurotheory Forum
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November 21st – 25th PhdAdvangedCourse
Title Stem Cell Technologies”
Location Faculty of Pharmacy
Affiliation Faculty of Pharmacy
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23-26 April 2023    BNA2023 International Festival of Neuroscience
Location Brighton UK
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