Monday – November 28th     Neurosciences Seminar
11:00 Title Modulation of GABA Transporters by Adenosine A1 and A2A Receptors in Absence Seizures
Location Bld. Egas Moniz – Floor 1B – Room 66 (Library)
Speaker Mariana Coelho (MD, Ana Sebastião Lab)
Affiliation Faculty of Medicine (FMUL)
Tuesday – November 29th     Oxford Talks
11:00 Title Ethox Seminar – Pursuing impact of own research: towards an ethical approach
Speaker Professor Kristine Bærøe (University of Bergen)
Location Hybrid meeting
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Tuesday – November 29th     Oxford Talks
12:15 Title Developing community level psychology support for Adolescents living with HIV in rural South Africa
Speaker Nothando Ngwenya (African Health Research Institute)
Location Online (Zoom)
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To join the seminar online, please contact
28th November-2nd December       Everyday  Neuro Seminars
9:00-18:00 Location online events – Twitter, Zoom
Speaker Different Researchers from International Universities
Affiliation Oxford Neurotheory Forum
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December 2nd – June 2023 PhdAdvangedCourse
Title Covid-19 Post-Pandemic Era Course and Preparing for New Pandemics
Location Faculty of Pharmacy
Affiliation Faculty of Pharmacy
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Registration until November 30th
23-26 April 2023    BNA2023 International Festival of Neuroscience
Location Brighton UK
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