Tuesday – June 28th      Oxford Talks – Online Neuroscience Seminars
13:00 Engineered gene delivery vectors and microbial opsins for precise and minimally-invasive study and repair of nervous systems
Location Plataform teams
Speaker Viviana Gradinaru (California Institute of Technology)
More info https://talks.ox.ac.uk/talks/id/6fffbeb2-e839-474d-b1c9-d217a2f13109/
To access the lecture online via Teams: tinyurl.com/58bus8p9
Monday – June 28th    Neurosciences Seminar
16:00 Title The role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
Speaker Mariana Vendeirinho (Master student, Ana Sebastião Lab)
Location Zoom video conference
Affiliation Faculty of Medicine (FMUL)
More info Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/93001123832?pwd=RUFvNVRadG85dndaM1pjbnl0QmUrdz09     Password : 540307​
Wednesday – June 30th      Webinar – Health Network
17:00-19:00 The University of Lisbon in Search of Answers to Cancer
Location Onlive event
Affiliation University of Lisbon (Ulisboa )
More Info https://www.ulisboa.pt/evento/webinar-universidade-de-lisboa-procura-de-respostas-para-o-cancro-sessao-i
Need registration
June 28th – July 2nd       Everyday  Neuro Seminars
9:00-18:00 Location online events – Twitter, Zoom
Speaker Different Researchers from International Universities
Affiliation Oxford Neurotheory Forum
More Info https://www.world-wide.org/Neuro/
 June 17th – July 2nd        Non-Degree Course
Pathogen Multiomics and Bioinformatics
Location Zoom video conference
Affiliation Faculty of Pharmacy (FFUL)
More Info https://www.ff.ulisboa.pt/events/non-degree-course-pathogen-multiomics-and-bioinformatics/?lang=en
Registrations until 05/06/2021